More Area Activities

Here are some suggestions we've sent to previous renters:

NYT travel article, many places and activities I've never experienced, but will.

To buy fresh lobster, crab, and other seafood nearby try The Oyster River Lobster Company on Rt 90 in Warren. It's a 15 minute drive from CWF. To eat lobster where they catch it, try Miller's Lobsters, and there is likely a relationship to my family, but we never investigated it. Purchase cooked lobster and drinks and eat out on the deck.

My family does own one of the largest lobster distributors in the state (married into it, so not related). Atwood. If you are in Spruce Head, take a look around. It's incredibly large, and there is a seafood restaurant in town that may still be run by them. Lobsters in the area tend to be very, very fresh because of the water is cold and flows fast with the currents in the salt water rivers. Honestly I've eaten enough of them in my life, but still have to have one when I'm in town.

Dormans Dairy Dream has some of the best homemade ice cream. Great on a night to the movies across the street.

Up for some candlestick bowling? Oakland Park Bowling Lanes is a trip.

For a more "urban' experience Nearby are the towns of Camden, Rockland, Rockport and Thomaston, but you can travel all over the region pretty easily. Rockland has come up quite a bit, but I prefer the country. We often go to the Waterfront in Camden for a nice meal on the deck (good ice cream and second hand bookstore across the street). Maybe a bit chilly now, but still pretty there. The Camden Library has a great kids reading room in the basement, and library park facing the harbor is a lovely place for a picnic. There is a small beach in Camden as well. Right off the harbor. Follow the waterfront road south past the Waterfront restaurant for a 1/8 mile. It's public and on your left.

I do recommend kayaking, fresh or salt water. There are probably many places to get kayaks. We have our own on the farm, but Maine Sport seems to be the largest group. REI has a good list of sea kayaking spots in Maine. We know the St. George River out of Thomaston quite well as we used to have property there. Very pretty and lots of wildlife.

You can also fish off the dock in Thomaston, and other spots. Ask anyone where is a good place to catch mackerel off a pier and you might luck out. I'm just noticing this restaurant at the public landing in Thomaston, The Slipway, and haven't been there, but they are serving very local seafood. Looks good.

Even better, find someone in a small motor boat to take you on a cruise along the coast line. We spent a ton of time on the St. George river. At the mouth of the river are a number of privately owned islands, including the Wyeth family compound. A great day trip.

Or, take a ferry to Monhegan Island. I've seen porpoises off the ferry to Monhegan many times. Vinalhaven and Isleboro Islands also interesting, but much closer to land and more developed.

Camden Hills State Park and Mt. Battie has some great views.

Moody's Diner on Route One in Waldoboro is a time capsule. Known for their fresh pies. While in the area try Morse's Sauerkraut and Euro Deli for some locally made sauerkraut and pastrami. Borealis Bread for fresh bread, although worth waiting for the homemade donuts, biscuits, and loaf bread in addition to all the fresh local produce at Beth's Farm Stand.

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